Saturday, December 28, 2013

first post

So with a little encouragement from my uncle I've decided to write down some of my thoughts. I have a very list orientated way of thinking about things so I'm hoping this will be a good way of organizing my thoughts as well as understanding some of them.

I've always thought 'who am I to assume that people want to read about my experiences? Like maybe they might be more interesting than any others...' and this is NOT what that is about.  I love hearing about other people's experiences and if you (and 'you' being the very few I'm assuming are taking the time to read my drawn out thoughts) are anything like me, then just maybe you might enjoy reading about some of the things that happen in my life.  Since I've always had a little bit of self diagnosed ADD and the destruction college and age have done to my brain I'm having a difficult time using my memory.  The later is especially important to me since I am so in love with the way my life is going right now I want to remember it forever.

Just a small bit about me and what to expect from this:

1) This is me and my parents dog, Taylor, with whom I am utterly obsessed.  Unfortunately I only get to see him sporadically so when I'm home he will probably be the subject of any post.

2) Because of my aforementioned ADD mind there may be very few posts if this is something I get bored with. Although don't let the large spaces between posts fool you.  I have a tendency to get some writers block... but I'll be back

3) If you know me personally then you'll know that I'm a very sarcastic, cynical person who had a tendency to rant so I'd like to apologize in advance to anyone who I may insult with anything I write here (but secretly I hope they never read it, since being the sarcastic person I am, I know how quickly a relationship can go south by misunderstood sarcastic ranting- something I should work on... maybe writing about my feelings will help to not do this as much in real life- here I go, see what I mean?)

This is getting to long for me to handle so I'll be back with my first real thoughts of the day but I'll leave you with something comical since I have a strong belief that humor can change the world...

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