Saturday, December 28, 2013

So I was at this bar...

So I was at this bar right... and it was December 28th.  Now I feel like December 28th is the perfect time of year for greetings, with everyone visiting each other and what not. So I walk into this bar, one of which I am familiar at- at least enough that the bartender can sit on my couch and watch a football game with me and it's no big deal. So I walk into this bar and without even a second thought I run behind the bar and give the bartender a big hug.  Now mind you, other than the occasional brush of the hand when we both reach for the remote, we've had very little physical contact with each other- but something about this hug seemed very natural..

Now this hug, to him was just in passing but in my crazy fucked up mind it started a chain reaction of unanswered questions. Now don't go thinking I wasn't hugged as a child or anything, I just had some simple questions about the experience, especially with what happened next.  But what was it that provoked this hug? We've gone longer than the 4 days I went home without seeing each other and upon those reunions there was no hug. Was it because I was in a different state? No, I've gone home and back without over the top celebrations upon my return.  There is nothing sexual between us. In fact he is my roommate's long time boyfriend and he and I have always just been bros. Are hugs reserved for those we hold dearest to our hearts or should they be spread around like glitter?  I came to the conclusion that it really has every thing to do with the date.

December 28th:
It's right by the holidays- when every one is hello-ing and goodbye-ing family and friends that brings out a very affectionate side of them.  I missed the hell out of some people for the 4 days I was gone and as soon as I could I jumped into their arms and while recounting, the 96 hours I was in a different zip code, I informed them that we would never be apart that long again.  Now back to this chain of questions a simple hug created in my mind. Soon after I witnessed something happen in the bar.  I witnessed a reunion of some sorts. I can only imagine by the way the girls howled at each other and jumped up and down that it must've been a reunion of months? maybe a year? Which is actually irrelevant, what matters most to my story is what happened after.  After the hugging, the screaming, the oh my god-ing... there was a simple conversation along the lines of 'so what are you doing now?.. Oh! Very cool! How about yourself?.. Oh! Wild!' and after that... *crickets*. Pure unadulterated, cut it with a knife silence.  Neither one of them had anything else to say! Now call me crazy but don't you plan to meet up with people when you, oh I don't know, want to have a conversation with them?? Or is it all about the hug? The hello hug, the goodbye hug and the ability to recount when you go back to your casual friends that you got to see blah-blah-blah and how wonderful they are doing with their lives (or is that only my mom who brags about the people she sees? anyone? anyone?)

I think people need more human contact in their lives so the next time you see a person in need of a hug dive right in. And when you get arrested tell the police officer to bring it in. It's probably been a while since he's had an opportunity to fake excitement to see someone that he lost contact with on purpose, just to create a fake reunion with just so that he can feel better about his life and where he is in it.  This post feels forced.. is it forced?? Either way- hug your neighbor today! even if it means a lawsuit ;)

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