Sunday, January 26, 2014

So I had this idea...

So I had this idea... right?  It's a million dollar idea and when someone makes a million dollars off this one day I hope that I at least get like 15% of the profit.  This idea is coming in the form of a movie and since I'm doing you all a favor right now and not copyrighting this I would expect to get some kind of recognition.. I don't need a lot.

So this movie...

I started working with this guy (we'll call him Trainer Doug).  Now Trainer Doug is one of those people that when they start talking you just want to hear everything they say.  And Trainer Doug studied philosophy in college (he also reads like a ton of things), making him a very smart guy.  Trainer Doug liked to bring up weird philosophy things when he first started working with me.  One of the first conversations I had with him was about the Ship of Theseus.  Which is basically a set of super deep questions about ships and the planks that make them up and new ships and ownership of the ships and blahty blahty blahhhh about the ships that I could definitely write an entire new blog post about in it of itself.

So we're talking philosophy and he's blowing my mind and decides to bring up the human brain and how we process memory.  Now he claims that our memories only work in reverse and in a linear sense, which is why we feel like 3 dimensional characters moving through a 4th dimension (time), but in actuality (and this is where he loses me) time is already laid out for us and time is just happening to us.

 Yep.  Let that soak in.  Now the thing that always gets brought up when I've since talked about this with others is that TD is suggesting that our futures are already pre-planned for us and we are just waiting for them to happen to us.  Most people are very uncomfortable with this and I think it is because they don't like to think about the fact that they dont have any control over their lives to that extent.  But what if we weren't... What if there was a world where we knew what was going to happen to us for the entire day from the moment we wake up in the morning.  What if we knew what career we would be holding down and exactly the day and time we have the interview for said career defining job.  What if we knew exactly how many children we were going to have, whether they were boys or girls and the exact moment they are going to be born.  And! not to mention we are OK with all of it.  People would be very accepting of this kind of human brain function, just like at the beginning of the Hunger Games the people of Panem are totally OK with sending children off once a year in a battle royal to the death.  What kind of characters would we build, though, if everyone just went through life being satisfied with not being able to control their own destiny.  People would just drone on, like cows in a pasture waiting for their life to play it's course, achieve those things they are supposed to achieve and crumble to the ground when life sees fit.  What if, even when some one was dissatisfied with their future and tried to change it, it was impossible to do.  No matter how hard they try the right things would fall into place to have their preplanned future happen to them.  Here's the kicker though.. they are pumped about it!  They realize the mighty-ness of the powers at be and just never question why they are working a job that doesn't allow for the lifestyle that they crave, or NO MATTER HOW HARD THEY TRY, they will never be able to catch the eye of the one they desire, or why they can't stop their pet hedgehog from pooping all over the house.  And they are totally fine with it.

Now of course for the movie to be a best seller and at the top of all the charts there would have to be some kind of conflict.  By the way all I can think about right now if how similar this is to Paycheck with Ben Affleck, where he can see into his future and he changes it to stay in love with his girlfriend, Uma Thurman.  It's a great one, you should check it out.  I hadn't really thought about the conflict all that much but it would have to have something like to so that the movie could target all audiences.  I havent thought of any kind of movie title either, but that can be a job for someone else once the idea gets picked up.

Thatsssss all for now folks. Thanks for reading and if any of you have friends in the movie biz pass me along!

and dont forget:

1 comment:

  1. I have much to say about this post but for now, in the wee hours of the morning I will be brief:

    1. The presently accepted nature of spacetime (now used in physics as one word for a reason... Go ahead type it into your phone... No autocorrect) is called "probabilistic indeterminism." That is. Unlike classic determinism, there are facts about events that occur in any time, but there is no way to know what they are at any given time unless they have happened in the relative past.

    2. If, for a moment, you accept modern physics and its interpretation of reality, then the above laid out movie is actually how we live our lives, just without knowing what will happen. However, the very problem with talking about it comes from the words we have based on our experience. There can't be a person that can "see into the future" because according to physics there is no such thing as the future, at least not how we mean it.

    Do an experiment. Time doesn't work much different than space. Length is one of the spacial dimensions. Go up to a table and look at the length of it. Which end is future and which is past? Where is now? When put in context the very words we use to describe time are nearly nonsensical.

    3. A great time travel movie is 12 Monkeys.

