You are assigned one letter from each category depending on your source of energy (extroversion vs. introversion), your way of gathering information (sensing vs. intuition), your decision making (thinking vs. feeling), and how you relate to the world (judgement vs. perception).
Now here are the awesome things that I have found out about myself:
1) I scored as an INFP, although after reading about the types I'm realizing that I am more of an ENFP. To justify the switch I was only slightly an I and there is an explanation for that..
- I had to take the personality test as part of class and- as per my personality type- I lost interest and only half assed some of the answers (don't tell my teachers).
- The personality types are very similar and a lot of people are saying they cross over easily depending on the situation, meaning INFPs are the 'extroverted introverts' and ENFPs are the 'introverted extroverts'.
2) I have one of the most underrepresented personality types!
- One of the coolest things I've found out about myself is that I am severely underrepresented (only 7% of the American population is ENFP) making us ENFPs feel lost growing up feeling like no one understands us (maybe a reason for the emo stage I went through in high school, although that might've just been because that was when it was cool for some reason). AND I have one of the most complicated personality types making ENFPs often seem like the free-spirited weirdo.. fine by me.
3) ENFPs and INFPs both love writing.. and while I've only started this blog almost a year ago I love doing it, it really helps me sort out my feelings (now we know why) and I have gotten great feed back on it. And now I am writing about my personality to understand it.. bear with me.
4) I share a personality type with Adolph Hitler which is a little strange because (and I'm not using this as an excuse) I have always had Jewish friends..
- I also share a type with Robin Willaims (RIP), Dr. Suess, Bob Dylan, and Sandra Bullock.
5) We are severe optimists and our energy is contagious.
- Another thing I never understood growing up was why no one shared the outlook I did. And it continues to drive me CRAZY when people are repeatedly negative but..
6) When something does not fit into my personal beliefs I tend to ignore it.
- Which again explains why I end up just ignoring a lot of people who shove negativity in my face.
7) We are brain stormers and idealists.
- I come up with ideas and am very enthusiastic about said ideas, but have a hard time following through. Example: I usually write papers, and blog posts all in one sitting and have very little editing. In fact my whole life is full of rough drafts made to look like finals, I've always had my mother do my editing since I could never be bothered with it, I often loose my train of thought and once it's gone.. say goodbye.
- Something I have to look forward to. But again as per the personality type we will do whatever it takes to make ourselves happier in our marriage (see what I'm starting to get at with the complication of the type).
- Not something I am particularly striving toward but I guess we'll see. We also have a tendency to change careers and college majors a lot, but since I went into college with one major and left with the same, I think I broke the mold on that one.
- Plus I found a website that ENFPs also make great nutritionist, and while I will be correcting people my whole life that I am a dietitian and not a nutritionist, that made me feel better.
- A note to the other personality types though, we go all in so don't let our complication stop you or let you think we are blocked off. We have a strong sense of traditionalism, we will stand by our relationships until the day we die, and WE DO CARE!
11) We are overthinkers and this causes us to stress out easily.
- This trait causes us to constantly seek approval from others and question ourselves when it does not come across. Daunting I know but knowing is the first step in overcoming I suppose.
12) Lastly, I love my personality type!
Based on what I've read ENFPs are creative, charismatic, enthusiastic, kind, complicated, and adventure seekers.. sounds just about exactly how I want to be described so thank you for letting me brag about how awesome my personality type is and I hope you gained some insight. Now go out and take the test and learn about yourself! You can take it here: for a small fee or I'm sure you can get a good reading from a google search. Seriously I want to know..
And to thank you for reading here is one of the cutest pictures I could find of my parent's little puppy Hooker Lee!!